Again, after one year back on the Mt. Schneekopf for September IARU-VHF contest. Due to ongoing lack of operators we were participating only with a small team.
Despite the conditions this year was a copy of 2021.

Weather was quite fine: Beautiful sunshine, calm and warm temperatures as we arrived on Friday afternoon at the contest site. We immediately started building up antennas. Due to several commitments we were short of people (only 4 for building and 3 for operating), so same small setup this as last year: 

2x 2M12 8m Geroh tower
1x 2M5WL 6m Geroh tower
1x 2M5WL 6m 70mm alu mast

All antenna systems were ready and measured as OK already on Friday evening so that we could have a relaxed dinner and discussions until very late in the evening. On Saturday the rest of works was easy going, we were fully operational hours before the contest starts.

Contest itself was starting with rain and really slow going, we did not manage to make 100 qsos / hour. Live score was disappointing, we saw our competitors up and away. But later in the evening the rain stopped and conditions raised up to normal. So we are able to close the gap in score until midnight.

Conds were remaining good dir UK until Sunday, so again some GM came into the log.

On Sunday QSO-rates remained high until the end. After the slow beginning we had never excpected to cross the 1000 QSOs but we scrathed again the 400.000 points border. Thiswas not far away from the 2021 result :-)


Preliminary results:

Band QSOs WWLoc DXCC Points km/QSO ODX Call ODXLoc
144 MHz 1079 120 23 399115 370 1139 GM0ULK/p IO87
432 MHz - - - - - - - -
1,3 GHz - - - - - - - -
2,3 GHz - - - - - - - -
3,4 GHz - - - - - - - -
5,7 GHz - - - - - - - -
10 GHz - - - - - - - -
24 GHz - - - - - - - -
47 GHz - - - - - - - -
76 GHz - - - - - - - -
122 GHz - - - - - - - -
135 GHz - - - - - - - -
Laser - - - - - - - -


 Crew photo:

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